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Go far in a sentence

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Sentence count:93+3Posted:2017-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: arriveget ingo deepmake itSimilar words: in the twinkling of an eyego forbeg offgo forthring offshrug offbring offgo forwardMeaning: v. 1. succeed in a big way; get to the top 2. extend in importance or range. 
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61. In general, though, the managers felt the training did not go far enough.
62. The package also angered many Hong Kong liberals who argued that the reforms did not go far enough.
63. You do not have to go far to find a living parallel for these organisms.
64. Many males do not go far and remain in the lower reaches.
65. They are also unhappy with the legislation for police reform,(Sentence dictionary) which they believe does not go far enough.
66. But it is more likely that he will not go far enough.
67. In fact, security issues go far beyond what is technologically controllable.
68. Fortunately, in the eighties we have begun to recognise that modern communication skills go far beyond the concept of advertising.
69. So long as you keep the Looms properly oiled and follow the rules you can't really go far wrong.
70. The management changes may not go far enough, analysts said.
71. Styloid process syndrome, cervical spondylosis, carotid go far.
72. These recommendations go far beyond the stale usury debates.
73. This should go far towards solving the problem.
74. These measures go far towards solving the problem.
75. This sum will go far towards my expense.
76. These measures would go far towards solving the problem.
77. Third[], stabilisation clearly did not go far enough.
78. When one's life quality and living environment go far from his spiritual and material goal that he always pursues, the most real thought is to seek and acquire disentanglement .
79. Thank you, your gift go far towards helping to build the children's hospital.
80. As seen over the past couple of columns, XSLT 1.0 provides good text transformation functionality, but doesn't really go far enough to provide good data manipulation capabilities.
81. I will guard you like your guarder crossing for ever , let's go far together.
82. That small loaf won't go far among this large family!
83. The new findings "go far beyond the fact that 24 ill patients received valve-in-valve replacement. They focus on the next step in the therapy of valvular heart disease, " he writes.
84. Rockets and artificial satellites can go far above the ionosphere.
85. Although the vote was extended, power was still in the hands of the landed gentry and men of property. For many this did not go far enough.
86. It complained: "While all showed they try to address the recyclability of paper cups, we thought none of them go far enough."
87. The queen escaped from the bath-room, where the wicked old woman had locked her up, but she did not go far, as she wanted to watch over her child and the little fawn.
88. For more neck, back, vertebra, back, muscle tendon symptoms go far.
89. Think only of to seek a direction of divagation, thus I can go far away.
90. To keep your choppers in tip-top shape (heck, just to keep them in the first place), we've come up with the following 22 tips that go far beyond just brushing and flossing.
More similar words: in the twinkling of an eyego forbeg offgo forthring offshrug offbring offgo forwarddrawing offgo for a walkgo for brokea bag of bonessomething ofto say nothing ofsofaso farsong of solomonKing of Terrorsof ageall of aso far asinsofarpresiding officerat the beginning ofmuch of aprofanea bit of ago from bad to worseinsofar asin so far as
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